Author Archives: Darwish

PHP Image Upload Security: How Not to Do It

June 29th, 2012 | Posted by Darwish in Programming - (20 Comments)

Let’s take a break from talking about games for a brief journey into the world of web development. I’ve done a fair bit of work with PHP and I want to address the issue of secure file uploads.

File uploading is a scary thing for web developers. You’re allowing complete strangers to put whatever they want onto your precious web server. In this article I’ll be dealing entirely with the uploading of images, and how to ensure that what a user is giving you is actually an image.… Continue reading

Thoughts on the WP7 Advertising SDK

June 12th, 2012 | Posted by Darwish in Programming - (0 Comments)

As small-time Windows Phone developers looking to monetize our apps, the free-with-ads model is very attractive. So this week, I buckled down and took a shot at integrating the Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows Phone into one of our existing games, Follow the Curve.

The SDK itself is quite simple to use. Microsoft provides an extremely detailed tutorial on getting started, as well as a code sample to inspire you. Piece of cake, right? Well, almost. Right off the bat, I had a problem: the sample would run, but no ads would appear.… Continue reading