Author Archives: Stephane

How To Debug Application Crashes on Windows 7

July 9th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Geekery - (3 Comments)

Chances are, if you’re reading this blog (and you aren’t any of our mothers), you know your way around a computer. If you can’t fix a problem the first time, Google is just an Alt-Tab away and you’ll usually get your answer shortly. And boy, isn’t it frustrating when even that fails you, because it relies on a critical mass of people having had the same problem as you before. I found myself in exactly such a situation when a fresh install of my beloved Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas started crashing randomly on my shiny new desktop.… Continue reading

Follow The Curve’s Update 1.2 Has Been Released

July 4th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Game Design - (0 Comments)

Good news everyone! Follow The Curve has just received its second update, which adds global high scores. Measure yourself up to the best in world, and try to set a new record! By the way, our internal record here at NullCandy is 1749, but surely you can do better?


Screenshot8Continue reading

Cave Worm Is Now Available For WP7

June 29th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Game Design - (0 Comments)

In case the banner above and the screenshot below aren’t enough, go check out our latest game! It’s called Cave Worm and adds a humorous twist to classic Helicopter gameplay.

CaveWormScreenshotContinue reading

The First Month In Review

June 19th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Serious Business - (0 Comments)

June 19th, 2012 marks NullCandy’s first real milestone: one full month of existence in the Windows Phone 7 marketplace! So, in celebration, let’s take a look at our numbers, both for the sake of internal accountability, and also to shed some light on our performance for all you aspiring indie developers out there.


As you can see above, we received our very first downloads on May 19th, which was when RockSquare and Juggling were released, resulting in a nice little spike (daily downloads are in green, cumulative in orange).… Continue reading

Using An Apple Keyboard With Windows 7

June 10th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Geekery - (12 Comments)

Now personally, I’m not exactly a big Apple fan, especially since some of their hardware tends to be a little overpriced. But when I started looking for a nice keyboard to go with my new desktop build, I quickly realized that my desires aligned quite nicely with those of our late pomaceous demigod, The Almighty Steve.

The Illusion of Choice

My requirements in a keyboard are simple enough, really. Sorted by importance, they go a little like this:

  • Low-profile chiclet keys
  • Wired
  • Comfortable to type on
  • Good build quality
  • Not horribly ugly to look at

… and that’s about it.… Continue reading

Why Building Your Own PC Is Best

May 29th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Geekery - (0 Comments)

Nothing beats that rush of excitement when you know it’s Newegg knocking on the door.

Computer Build Parts

Okay, maybe that Christmas when I was 9 and woke up to a shiny new N64 with Goldeneye and Ocarina of Time, but you get the picture. And the best part is that it’s surprisingly worthwhile to build your own computer.

Building Your Own PC, Pros:

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NullCandy Is Born

May 24th, 2012 | Posted by Stephane in Game Design - (4 Comments)

Breathe. Know that the Internet has no eraser.

-Liz Strauss

Hello, world, and welcome to this shiny new block of internet real estate! Revel in the knowledge that these petty words shall forever be etched into the hard disks of The Almighty Google. And, perhaps more importantly, know that we are gathered here today to celebrate the birth of our new game development company, NullCandy.

We are Stephane, Michael and Michael (hereby known by their last names, Hoffman and Darwish, for obvious reasons), three recent McGill computer engineering graduates with a passion for not getting real jobs.… Continue reading